
7 Ways to Payoff Debt Fast

Debt | Payoff Debt Fast | Debt Free

How to pay off debt fast, is a common worry most have. There are many written ways on how to save money that has been advocated as the best practice but, do they really cause a snowball effect or make small ripples?

This article is going to showcase the best ways to save money that cause a snowball effect.

When it comes to saving, you still need a penny to make a $100, that being said we are going to examine how to make that $100 work harder for us. 

Types of Debts

There are different types of debts such as

  • secured or unsecured debt 
  • good debt vs bad debt.
  • consumer debt – student loans, credit card,

Regardless of which debt it, there is a steep amount of interest that has to be paid and this decreases your disposable income.

Snowball Payoff Debt 

Paying one monthly installment at a time will cost you more than the debt you borrowed in interest and unfortunately, this can create a lifetime of debt. A snowball debt payoff process enables one to quickly eliminate debt and in the process saving money by avoiding to pay interest. Below are some top methods to snowball debt process. 

Get Free Payoff Debt Counseling 

If you do not know the rules of any game, you will get penalized or kicked out altogether. The same principle is applicable to finances. It is very imperative to become financial literate regarding your financial situation. For instance, you may be able to lower your monthly payments if you consolidate debt. This is one of the best ways to save money on a tight budget because it aggregates all your debt and generate a lower monthly payment, therefore, you can add more to your principal. It is extremely important to understand the kind of debt you have.

If you have credit debt. therefore, take the time to study how others have paid off their debt or what tools on the market that can be helpful.

Check Your Credit Report 

This is one of the most important factors when it comes to borrowing money. Your interest rate is tied to your credit score. the higher it is the lower your interest rate. Before borrowing or applying for any credit, you need to check your credit score for any errors. This allows you to dispute any mistakes and have them correct it. The credit score is tied down to your creditworthiness that will impact your interest rate. There are few ways you can implement to increase your credit card score, this helpful, especially for big purchases.

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How to Pay Off – Student Loan 

Student loan forgiveness many of us graduate with high student loans and entry positions that can barely pay the rent. There are different options you have that student loan forgiven.

  • You may look into participating in public service / federal government, work for an employer with a student repayment plan or non-profit in order to get your debt forgiven
  • Any extra payment you make, request it to be applied to your principal amount. If you do not specify this, they will let the payment sit on your account and apply it on the due date. If they use the due date, then you will have accrued interest and this defeats the purpose.

How to Pay Off  – Credit Card 

Paying off only monthly payments for your credit card statement is not the best way. This method will make you pay more interest and a lifetime of high monthly payments.  To effectively pay off any loan you have to be more creative.  

  • The best plan is to Pay off credit cards in full each month
  • Pay off the credit card with the highest interest rate
  • There are many credit cards that offer a balance transfer. This can be a great tool if you use it correctly (stated above – take the time to educate yourself about your current debt)
  • Use the New Card with 0% interest rate to pay the Old Card with the highest rate – this eliminates you paying interest and focus only on paying the principal.
  • If you are able to get New Cards with 0% to pay off your balance, then do so. Your goal is to pay off debt faster with no interest payments
  • SNOWBALL YOUR PAYMENTS – now your credit card payment has no interest on it (for a specified amount of time) take the time to pay it off as soon as possible  
  • Be mindful of the fine print and make sure you do not increase your debt

 TIP – A $1,000 debt reduction will probably save you $150-200 a year in interest, and much  more if you’re paying penalty rates of 20-30 percent

How to Pay Off – Mortgage 

There are many ways to pay off your mortgage that have been well documented. Below are some additional unique actions to make extra payments   

  • Remove your PMI once your loan-to-value has decreased
  • Make an extra payment of $1000.00 towards the principal every year,
  • Always refinance your mortgage for a lower rate, banks are not the only institutes that re-finance, research and look for competitive lenders
  • Pay your mortgage every two weeks – this reduces the amount of interest and more goes to the principal
  • Credit Card – use the same 0% credit card method stated above to pay your mortgage. This allows you to borrow free money with no interest.

 The only way to increase your nest egg and is to have more disposable income than you can fund your investments.  One of the biggest debt that we carry is consumer debt which is usually accumulated in financing wants.

Top Debt Payoff Questions

Can You Borrow Your Way Out if Debt?

You can borrow your way out of debt, if you are strategic and focus on your financial goal. For instance, you can refinance your loan to get a cheaper rate or wisely use credit card transfer balance before interest is applied.  The negative aspect of this is when you pile on debt without repaying it back.

How Do You Get Out Of Debt With No Money?

The best way to pay off debt with no money is to research the best programs that can help or alleviate your current financial situation. The best option is to increase your income and implement various budgeting tools and strategies. One of the most effective budgeting methods is to payoff the loan with the smallest amount or payoff the loan with the highest interest.

How can I Payoff Debt Fast?

How to payoff debt fast is all based on how quickly you can start implementing budgeting tools. In addition, below are some tips to consider

      • Stop using credit cards
      • Refinance for a cheaper rate
      • Pay more than the monthly payment
      • Sign up and use zero percent balance transfer
      • Implement a budgeting system and
      • Find ways to quickly increase your income

How Can I Wipe my Credit Card Debt?

The best way to wipe your credit card debt fast is to implement strategies listed in number 3. The best way would be to get free money to pay off your credit card and this is when the zero percent balance transfer because a valuable financial tool. The best approach to this method is to strategically apply for credit cards one at a time and then payoff before the interest rate is applied.

How Much Credit Card is too Much

The best approach when it comes to borrowing money is to never use more than 10% of your total balance in a month and then pay it off before the next billing cycle. This is one of the best way to increases your credit score and simultaneously increase your credit limit.

Cheering To Your Success
Brenda |
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