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  • Save Money

    10 Ways to Save Money on a Tight Budget

    Ways to Save Money on a Tight Budget refer to strategies and actions that individuals can implement to reduce expenses and manage their finances effectively, even when dealing with limited financial resources

    Saving money is a goal that many people strive for, especially when they have a tight budget. While it may seem challenging to save money when expenses are already tight, there are various strategies and approaches that can help you achieve your savings goals.

    By adopting a mindful and strategic approach to your finances, you can make the most of your limited resources and find ways to cut expenses, increase savings, and achieve financial stability. In this guide, we will explore practical and actionable tips on how to save money on a tight budget. Whether you’re dealing with debt, living paycheck to paycheck, or simply looking to build your savings, these strategies will empower you to take control of your financial situation and pave the way towards a more secure and prosperous future. In fact, there are numerous practical and effective ways to save money, even when your budget is limited.

    By implementing the right strategies and making conscious choices, saving money on a tight budget can be challenging, but it’s not impossible. Here are ten practical ways to save money when you’re on a tight budget:


    1. Create a Budget 

    Start by evaluating your income and expenses to create a realistic budget. Identify areas where you can cut back and allocate a specific amount for savings each month.

    • Start by listing all your sources of income and then identify your fixed expenses, such as rent or mortgage payments, utility bills, and debt payments. Next, track your variable expenses, including groceries, transportation, entertainment, and other discretionary spending.
    • Identify non-essential expenses that can be reduced or eliminated, such as dining out, subscriptions, or unnecessary purchases. Allocate a specific amount for each expense category and strive to stay within those limits. By creating a budget and adhering to it, you’ll gain better control over your spending habits and be able to allocate more money towards savings.
    • Remember, budgeting requires discipline and regular monitoring. Review your budget periodically to track your progress, make adjustments as needed, and ensure that you’re on track towards your savings goals. With a well-planned budget, you’ll be able to make smarter financial decisions, reduce unnecessary expenses, and save money even on a tight budget. 


    2. Track Your Expenses  

    Keep track of every expense to see where your money is going. This awareness will help you identify unnecessary spending and find areas to cut back.

    • Start by categorizing your expenses, such as groceries, transportation, entertainment, and miscellaneous items. Keep track of each expense, including even the smallest purchases. This will help you understand your spending patterns and identify areas where you can cut back or find more affordable alternatives.
    • There are various methods you can use to track your expenses, such as using budgeting apps, maintaining a spreadsheet, or simply jotting down your expenses in a notebook


    3. Cut Back on Discretionary Spending 

    Discretionary Expenses refer to non-essential items or activities that you can live without or find more cost-effective alternatives for. By identifying these discretionary expenses and finding ways to reduce or eliminate them, you can free up more money for essential needs or savings.

    • Many expenses are essential, but discretionary spending could get dropped from the budget, and you’d still get by. This could include eating out at restaurants, going to the movies, shopping for unnecessary items, or subscribing to multiple streaming services. Assess the value these expenses bring to your life and consider alternatives that are more budget-friendly.
    • By cutting back on discretionary spending, you can redirect those funds towards more essential needs, such as housing, transportation, or paying off debt. It may require making some sacrifices or adjusting your lifestyle temporarily, but it can significantly contribute to saving money on a tight budget and help you achieve your financial goals.


    4. Use Coupons and Discounts 

    Take advantage of coupons, sales, and discounts when shopping for groceries, clothing, and other necessities. This simple habit can save you a significant amount of money over time.

    • Coupons and discounts are readily available for a wide range of products and services, allowing you to save a significant amount of money on your everyday expenses.  By incorporating couponing and discount-hunting into your shopping routine, you can stretch your budget and make your dollars go further.
    • Consider using digital coupon apps or browser extensions that automatically apply discounts and promo codes when shopping online. These tools can help you find the best deals and save money with just a few clicks.


    5. Reduce Energy Consumption  

    Lower your utility bills by being mindful of your energy usage. Turn off lights when not in use, unplug electronic devices, adjust your thermostat, and use energy-efficient appliances.

    • Energy costs can be a significant portion of your monthly expenses, but by adopting energy-saving habits, you can lower your bills and keep more money in your pocket. Switch to energy-efficient light bulbs, such as LED lights, which consume less electricity and have a longer lifespan.
    • Adjust your thermostat settings to conserve energy. Lowering the temperature in winter and raising it in summer by a few degrees can make a noticeable difference in your energy bills. Make use of natural ventilation and sunlight to reduce the need for air conditioning and artificial lighting.
    • Look for appliances with the Energy Star label, as they are designed to consume less energy while providing the same functionality. These appliances may have a higher upfront cost, but they can lead to significant long-term savings.


    6. Save on Transportation Costs  

    Consider carpooling, using public transportation, biking, or walking instead of relying solely on your car. These alternatives can save you money on fuel, parking, and maintenance.

    • Use Alternative Modes of Transportation: Consider alternatives to traditional car ownership, such as using public transportation, cycling, or walking. These options are often more cost-effective and can help you save on fuel, parking fees, and vehicle maintenance.
    • Plan Errands Efficiently: Plan your errands and trips in a way that minimizes the distance traveled and maximizes efficiency. Grouping errands together and using the most direct routes can help save on fuel and time.
    • Consider Refinancing or Downsizing your Vehicle: If you have a high monthly car payment or expensive insurance, you may consider refinancing your auto loan or downsizing to a more affordable and fuel-efficient vehicle. This can help lower your monthly expenses and save on long-term costs. 


    7. Prioritize Debt Repayment 

    If you have outstanding debts, prioritize paying them off as quickly as possible. High-interest debts can be a significant drain on your budget. Focus on paying off the most expensive debts first, while making minimum payments on the others.

    • Identify High-Interest Debts: Start by identifying debts with high interest rates, such as credit cards or payday loans. These debts often incur substantial interest charges, making them a priority for repayment.
    • Create a Debt Repayment Plan: Develop a structured plan for repaying your debts. This can include strategies like the debt snowball method, where you prioritize paying off the smallest debts first and then move on to larger ones. Alternatively, you can use the debt avalanche method, where you focus on debts with the highest interest rates first.
    • Consider Debt Consolidation or Refinancing: If you have multiple high-interest debts, consolidating them into a single loan with a lower interest rate can simplify your payments and save you money. Similarly, refinancing existing loans at more favorable terms can help reduce your monthly payments and overall interest costs.


    8. Explore Cheaper Alternatives  

    Look for ways to find cheaper alternatives for products or services you regularly use. For example, consider switching to store-brand items, buying in bulk, or shopping at discount stores.

    • Finding Cheaper Alternatives for your everyday expenses can make a significant difference in saving money. By exploring cost-effective options, you can stretch your budget further and free up funds for other essential needs.
    • Generic and Store Brands: Opt for generic or store-brand products instead of their branded counterparts. Many generic products offer comparable quality at a lower price. 
    • Discount Stores and Thrift Shops: Shop at discount stores and thrift shops to find great deals on clothing, household items, and other essentials. These establishments often offer gently used items or brand-name products at significantly discounted prices.
    • Meal Planning and Cooking at Home: Look for budget-friendly recipes, use ingredients that are on sale, and consider batch cooking to have leftovers for multiple meals


    9. Cut Cable and Subscription Services  

    Evaluate your cable and subscription services and consider cutting back or canceling unnecessary ones. Streaming services often offer a wide range of content at a lower cost than traditional cable.

    • Explore streaming services: Streaming services like Netflix, Hulu, or Amazon Prime Video offer a wide range of movies, TV shows, and original content at a fraction of the cost of cable subscriptions.
    • Explore free or low-cost entertainment options: Look for free community events, local libraries, or online platforms that offer free or low-cost entertainment options. This can include attending local concerts or events, visiting museums on free admission days, or participating in community activities


    10. Automate Savings 

    Set up automatic transfers to a separate savings account each time you receive a paycheck. This way, you’re less likely to spend the money before saving it.

    • Automate savings: Set up automatic transfers from your checking account to a separate savings account. Determine a specific amount or percentage of your income to be transferred regularly. This ensures that saving becomes a priority and helps you build your savings without relying on willpower alone.
    • Save windfalls or extra income: Whenever you receive unexpected income, such as a tax refund, bonus, or cash gifts, resist the temptation to spend it all. Instead, put a portion of it directly into your savings account. This helps you boost your savings without impacting your regular budget.
    • Increase your income: Look for ways to increase your income, even if it’s temporary or part-time. You can take up a side gig, freelancing, or offering your skills and services. This extra income can be specifically allocated towards savings or paying off debt.



    Saving money on a tight budget is not only possible but essential for financial stability and future goals. By implementing the ten strategies outlined in this article, you can make significant progress in saving money and improving your financial situation.

    Remember, small changes can add up over time, and every dollar saved is a step closer to your financial goals. Whether it’s cutting back on discretionary spending, finding creative ways to save on utilities, or making smarter choices with your groceries, these strategies can make a real difference in your financial health. Embrace a frugal mindset, track your expenses, and be intentional about your spending.

    With determination and discipline, you can navigate your tight budget successfully and build a solid foundation for a more secure financial future. Start implementing these tips today and watch your savings grow!


    Cheering To Your Success
    Brenda |
    Let’s Connect on Social Media! | Pinterest |


  • Save Money

    20 Tips for Saving Money on Leisure Activities

    Saving money on entertainment and leisure activities refers to the practice of finding ways to reduce expenses while still enjoying recreational pursuits.

    It involves being mindful of how you spend your money on activities such as dining out, attending movies or concerts, traveling, visiting amusement parks, and participating in hobbies or sports.

    By adopting cost-saving strategies, such as seeking out discounts, exploring free or low-cost alternatives, utilizing loyalty programs, and planning ahead, you can make the most of your leisure time while keeping your expenses in check.

    The goal is to find a balance between enjoying your favorite activities and being financially responsible, allowing you to allocate your resources wisely and potentially save money for other important goals.

    In this blog post, we will explore 20 practical tips for saving money on entertainment and leisure activities. By implementing these strategies, you can pursue your hobbies, explore new experiences, and have fun without breaking the bank.


    1. Free Events and Activities 

    Keep an eye out for free concerts, festivals, art exhibitions, and community events happening in your area. These provide entertainment without any cost. 

    Many communities offer a wide range of free events throughout the year, such as concerts in the park, art exhibits, festivals, and outdoor movie screenings. These events provide opportunities to enjoy live performances, explore local culture, and engage in recreational activities without spending money on tickets or admission fees.

    • For example, attending a free community concert in the park can be a wonderful way to enjoy live music and spend time with friends or family without breaking the bank. By keeping an eye out for such free events in your area, you can maximize your entertainment options while minimizing your expenses.


    2. Utilize Library Resources 

    Visit your local library to borrow books, movies, and magazines. Libraries often offer free or discounted passes to museums and other attractions as well.

    Utilizing library resources is a great way to save money on entertainment and leisure activities. Public libraries offer a wide range of resources and services that can be enjoyed for free or at a minimal cost.

    Libraries often organize events and workshops, such as author talks, book clubs, crafting sessions, and children’s activities, which provide opportunities for entertainment and learning without spending a lot of money

    For example, you can borrow books, audiobooks, and e-books from the library’s collection to enjoy reading without having to purchase them. Many libraries also have free digital collections, allowing you to borrow movies and TV series for free.

    • Many libraries offer free digital movie access through various platforms and services. One such example is Kanopy, a popular streaming service that provides access to a wide selection of movies, documentaries, and educational content. With a library card, you can create an account and stream movies from Kanopy’s collection for free.
    • Another example is Hoopla Digital, which allows library patrons to borrow and stream movies, TV shows, music, audiobooks, e-books, and comics. These digital platforms offer a diverse range of titles, including classic films, independent movies, and popular releases, providing a cost-effective way to enjoy entertainment from the comfort of your own home. Check with your local library to see if they offer access to these or similar digital movie platforms.

    By taking advantage of these library resources, you can enjoy a variety of entertainment options without straining your budget.


    3. Look for Discounted Tickets

    Check websites, apps, and social media platforms for discounted tickets to concerts, theater shows, and sporting events. You can find deals and promotions that can significantly reduce the cost.

    • Some attractions, events, and venues offer special promotions or discounted rates that can significantly reduce the cost of admission. One example is purchasing tickets through websites or apps that specialize in offering discounted tickets, such as Groupon or LivingSocial.
    • These platforms often feature deals and discounts on various activities, including movie tickets, concerts, theater shows, amusement parks, and more. Another option is to check the official websites or social media pages of the attractions or venues you’re interested in. They may offer exclusive discounts, early bird specials, or special pricing for certain days or times.

    By taking the time to search for discounted tickets, you can enjoy your favorite activities while keeping more money in your pocket.


    4. Matinee or Discounted Movie Screenings

    Opt for matinee shows or attend screenings during discounted days to save money on movie tickets.

    • A lot of movie theaters offer reduced ticket prices during daytime showings, also known as matinees. These screenings typically take place earlier in the day and can save you a significant amount compared to evening or prime-time showings.
    • Some theaters may offer discounted screenings on specific days of the week or for certain groups such as students or seniors. For example, “Tuesdays at the Movies” promotions are quite common, where theaters offer discounted tickets for Tuesday showings.

    Taking advantage of these discounted movie screenings allows you to enjoy the cinema experience while keeping your entertainment expenses in check.


    5. Free or Low Cost Outdoor Activities

    Take advantage of parks, hiking trails, beaches, and lakes in your area for outdoor activities like picnics, hiking, swimming, or cycling.

    • Nature provides a plethora of opportunities for outdoor recreation that won’t break the bank. Hiking, for example, is a popular and cost-effective outdoor activity. You can explore local trails and enjoy the beauty of nature without spending a dime.
    • Many communities organize free outdoor events and festivals, such as concerts in the park or outdoor movie screenings. These events allow you to experience live entertainment without spending a fortune.

    Embracing outdoor activities is not only beneficial for your wallet but also for your physical and mental well-being.


    6. Host Social Nights at Home

    Instead of going out, invite friends over for a game night or a movie night at home. It’s a fun and cost-effective way to enjoy quality time together.

    • Instead of going out to expensive entertainment venues, you can gather friends or family and create a fun and cozy atmosphere right in your living room. Game nights can involve a variety of board games, card games, or even video games that you already own. Everyone can contribute their favorite games, making it a collaborative and enjoyable experience.
    • You can rent or stream movies for a fraction of the cost of going to the theater, and you can create a theater-like ambiance with popcorn, snacks, and comfortable seating. Plus, with the rise of streaming services, you have access to a wide selection of movies and TV shows right at your fingertips.

    Hosting game nights or movie nights at home not only saves money but also fosters a sense of togetherness and creates lasting memories.


    7. Subscribe to Streaming Services

    Consider subscribing to streaming services like Netflix, Hulu, or Amazon Prime Video instead of paying for cable TV.

    • Consider ad-supported options: Some streaming services offer ad-supported versions at a lower cost compared to ad-free subscriptions. If you don’t mind occasional advertisements, this can be a cost-effective way to enjoy your favorite content.
    • Take advantage of free trials: Before committing to a paid subscription, take advantage of free trial offers. Most streaming services provide a trial period ranging from a week to a month. Use this time to explore the platform and determine if it meets your entertainment needs.
    • Take advantage of special offers and discounts: Keep an eye out for special offers, discounts, or promotional deals on streaming services. These can include discounted rates for students, annual subscriptions, or holiday sales. Take advantage of these opportunities to save money

    By following these tips, you can enjoy the benefits of streaming services while keeping your entertainment expenses in check.


    8. Student or Senior Discounts Links

    If you’re a student or a senior citizen, inquire about special discounts available for various entertainment venues such as theaters, museums, theme parks, and even streaming services, theaters, and cinemas. 

    • Student Discounts: Students beans offers students discounts, this is where all companies listed offer student discounts. This platform provides exclusive deals and discounts for students across various categories, including entertainment, fashion, technology, and more. 
    • Senior Discounts: Senior Discounts is a website that offers a comprehensive directory of senior discounts available in various industries, including entertainment, dining, travel, retail, and more.

    By taking advantage of these discounts, students and seniors can enjoy their favorite entertainment and leisure activities while keeping their expenses in check. It’s always worth checking with the specific venue or service provider to see if they offer any discounts for students or seniors..


    9. Explore Local Deals and Coupons 

    Look for deals and coupons on websites, apps, or local publications for discounted rates on activities such as dining out, spa visits, or recreational activities.

    • RetailMeNot  is a popular coupon website that offers a wide range of deals and discounts, including those for entertainment activities. You can search for coupons based on categories such as events, movies, or attractions, and find offers from various providers and venues.
    • is known for its coupon books and digital memberships that offer discounts on dining, activities, and entertainment. They provide access to a wide range of coupons and offers for local attractions, shows, and events.
    • While is primarily focused on grocery and retail coupons, they also offer a section for entertainment deals. You can find discounts on movie tickets, theme parks, attractions, and more.


    10. Opt for “Bring Your Own” Options

    When going to events or outings that allow it, pack your own snacks, water, or beverages to avoid high prices charged for concessions.

    • Opting for “bring your own” options can help you cut down on expenses. Instead of purchasing food or drinks at venues, bringing your own snacks and beverages can save you a significant amount of money.
    • For example, when attending a movie theater, bring your own popcorn, candy, and drinks from home rather than purchasing them at the concession stand, where prices are typically marked up. Another example is bringing your own picnic to a park or beach instead of buying food from nearby vendors.

    By bringing your own refreshments, you can enjoy the experience without the extra costs. Just make sure to check the rules and regulations of the venue or location to ensure outside food and drinks are permitted.


    11. Volunteer at Events

    Consider volunteering at local events or festivals. In exchange for your time and assistance, you may gain free or discounted access to the event.

    • Many organizations and events offer volunteer opportunities that allow you to attend the event for free or at a discounted rate in exchange for your assistance.
    • For example, music festivals often have volunteer programs where you can help with tasks like ticketing, crowd control, or merchandise sales in exchange for free access to the festival.

    Similarly, sporting events or conferences may offer volunteer positions that provide complimentary entry to the event. Volunteering not only allows you to save money on admission fees but also gives you the chance to be part of the event and contribute to the community.


    12. How to Find Happy Hour Specials 

    If you enjoy dining out, plan your meals during happy hour when restaurants offer discounted prices on food and drinks.

    For example, a restaurant may offer half-price appetizers and discounted cocktails between 4 PM and 6 PM. This allows you to indulge in delicious food and beverages without breaking the bank.

    Here are a few websites and apps that can help you find happy hour specials and save money:

    • Happy Hour Finder This website allows you to search for happy hour deals by location, cuisine, and specific days of the week. It provides detailed information about the happy hour offerings of various establishments, including food and drink specials.
    • DrinkedIn  is a mobile app that helps you discover nearby happy hour deals. You can search for happy hours by location, filter results based on your preferences, and even check-in to receive exclusive discounts and promotions.
    • Yelp  Yelp is a popular review website and app that also provides information about happy hour specials. You can search for restaurants and bars in your area, read reviews, and find details about their happy hour offerings, including prices and timing.

    Remember to check the specific terms and conditions of each happy hour deal, as they may vary depending on the establishment. Additionally, it’s always a good idea to call ahead or confirm the details on the establishment’s website or social media pages before visiting, as happy hour offerings may be subject to change.


    13. Community Centers and Recreation Departments 

    Many community centers and recreation departments offer low-cost classes, workshops, and activities for both children and adults.

    When it comes to saving money on entertainment and leisure activities, community centers and recreation departments can be great resources. These local establishments often offer a variety of affordable or even free programs and activities for people of all ages.

    • Community centers may host fitness classes, arts and crafts workshops, sports leagues, and educational programs at a fraction of the cost you might find elsewhere.
    • Recreation departments often organize community events, concerts, outdoor movie nights, and other recreational activities that are either low-cost or free for residents.

    By exploring what your community center or recreation department has to offer, you can find enjoyable and budget-friendly ways to stay active and engaged in your community.


    14. Use Discount Websites and Apps  

    Explore websites like Groupon, LivingSocial, or Travelzoo, and mobile apps that offer discounts on a wide range of activities, including spa treatments, outdoor adventures, and dining experiences.

    • Travelzoo: Curates discounted deals on travel, entertainment, and local experiences, including activities, shows, and dining.  
    • Rakuten Offers cashback rewards for online purchases made through their platform, including purchases from entertainment and ticketing websites.  
    • Honey: A browser extension that automatically applies coupon codes at checkout for online shopping, including entertainment and ticketing websites.  


    15. Follow Social Media Accounts of Local Venues

    Stay updated with local venues, museums, theaters, and entertainment centers by following their social media accounts. They often share exclusive discounts and promotions with their followers.

    • Follow your local museum: Many museums have active social media accounts where they regularly post updates about exhibitions, events, and discounts. By following their accounts, you can find out about discounted admission days, special exhibitions with reduced ticket prices, or even free entry during certain times of the year. This allows you to enjoy cultural experiences while saving money.
    • Follow your local amusement park or theme park: Amusement parks and theme parks often run promotional campaigns on their social media platforms. By following their accounts, you can be aware of discounted ticket offers, flash sales, or special promotions for specific days or events. This way, you can plan your visit when the prices are more affordable and make the most of your leisure activities.

    Remember to interact with the posts, comment, and share your experiences to stay engaged with the venue and receive updates on their latest deals and offers.


    16. Plan Group Outings or Trips

    Coordinate group outings or trips with friends or family members to share costs and benefit from group discounts on accommodations, transportation, and activities.

    • Organize a Group Hike: Instead of individually visiting expensive outdoor adventure parks or guided hiking tours, gather a group of friends or family members who enjoy outdoor activities. Research local hiking trails or nature reserves that offer free or low-cost access. By carpooling and sharing expenses like gas, snacks, and equipment, you can significantly reduce the overall cost of the outing while enjoying the beauty of nature


    17. Look For Free Trial Periods

    Take advantage of free trial periods offered by subscription-based services for entertainment or educational purposes. Just remember to cancel before the trial period ends to avoid any charges.

    • Streaming Services: Many streaming platforms offer free trial periods for new subscribers. Take advantage of these trial periods to access a wide range of movies, TV shows, and documentaries without paying the full subscription fee. Just be sure to cancel the trial before it ends if you decide not to continue with the service.

    By exploring free trial periods, you can enjoy the benefits of various entertainment options without committing to long-term subscriptions or paying upfront costs. It allows you to assess the quality and value of the service before making a financial commitment, helping you make informed decisions while saving money


    18. Explore DIY Projects and Hobbies

     Engage in do-it-yourself (DIY) projects or hobbies that allow you to create and enjoy entertainment at a fraction of the cost. This could include gardening, crafting, painting, or learning a musical instrument.

    • DIY Crafts: Engaging in DIY crafts is not only a fun and creative way to spend your leisure time, but it can also save you money on purchasing expensive home decor items or gifts. You can make personalized greeting cards, handmade jewelry, or even repurpose old items into unique pieces of art. Not only will you enjoy the process of creating something with your own hands, but you’ll also save money by avoiding the higher costs associated with store-bought items.

    By exploring DIY projects and hobbies, you can tap into your creativity, learn new skills, and find satisfaction in creating something unique. Additionally, you’ll save money by not having to purchase pre-made items, making it a cost-effective way to enjoy your leisure time.


    19. Create a Budget for Entertainment

    Set aside a specific budget for entertainment and leisure activities each month. By planning and allocating a fixed amount, you can avoid overspending and make conscious choices about where to allocate your funds.

    • Set a Monthly Entertainment Budget: Determine how much money you can comfortably allocate to entertainment activities each month. This could include expenses such as movie tickets, dining out, concerts, or other recreational activities. Take into account your overall financial goals and prioritize your spending accordingly.
    • For example, you might decide to allocate $200 per month for entertainment. This budget can help you make conscious decisions about how you spend your money and avoid unnecessary impulse purchases. By tracking your expenses and staying within your entertainment budget, you’ll have a clearer understanding of your spending habits and be able to save money over time.

    Creating a budget for entertainment allows you to enjoy your leisure activities without overspending or sacrificing your financial goals. It helps you make informed choices about where your money goes and ensures that you can continue to enjoy entertainment while maintaining a healthy financial balance.


    20. Keep a Social Calendar 

    The best way to get the best rates or best discounts is to keep a social calendar. There is always a discount being offered, therefore, try to create a calendar of activities you would want to participate and then track when there is a sale. Buying tickets at a well discounted prices or when there is low traffic tends to be more savings. 



    Saving money on entertainment and leisure activities doesn’t mean sacrificing fun and enjoyment. By incorporating these 20 tips into your lifestyle, you can explore new experiences, pursue your hobbies, and have memorable moments without straining your budget. Remember, it’s all about being resourceful, taking advantage of discounts and free options, and making conscious choices to prioritize your spending. With a little planning and creativity, you can enjoy a fulfilling and affordable leisure life.


    Cheering To Your Success
    Brenda |
    Let’s Connect on Social Media! | Pinterest |


  • Save Money

    20 Tips How to Build an Emergency Fund Fast

    How To Build an Emergency Fund is all based on first identifying your financial needs, financial goals and finding the tools to accomplish it. 

    Building an emergency fund is a crucial aspect of personal finance. Life is full of unexpected events, such as medical emergencies, job loss, or major car repairs, and having a financial safety net in place can provide peace of mind and protect you from financial hardship.

    An emergency fund acts as a cushion to cover unforeseen expenses, allowing you to navigate through challenging times without resorting to debt or compromising your financial stability. 

    In this guide, we will explore various strategies and tips on how to build an emergency fund, empowering you to take control of your finances and prepare for the  unexpected. It is not just building an emergency fund but also reviewing your financial status and implementing methods or budgets that will certainly help you get past the point of always setting up for a financial emergency fund. The main goal is to become financially literate and having the tools and knowledge to become a true financial expert of your family. Building an emergency fund is the beginning of any financial journey as this is all about creating a cushion if something unexpected is to happen. The aim is to live past cheque to cheque but have a cushion at least you have finances that can cover you for an extended amount of time.


    1. Assess Your Budget 

    Review your current budget and identify areas where you can cut back or reduce expenses. Trim discretionary spending, eliminate non-essential subscriptions, and redirect that money toward your emergency fund.

    Assessing your budget is a fundamental step in building an emergency fund. It involves taking a close look at your income, expenses, and spending habits to identify areas where you can cut back and allocate funds towards your savings.

    Start by tracking your expenses for a month and categorizing them into essential and discretionary items. Evaluate each category to see if there are any unnecessary expenses that can be reduced or eliminated.

    •  For example, you might identify that you spend a significant amount on eating out or subscription services. By reducing these expenses and reallocating those funds towards your emergency fund, you can make significant progress in building your financial safety net. Regularly reviewing and adjusting your budget allows you to stay on track and ensure that you are effectively saving for emergencies


    2. Set a Specific Savings Goal 

    Determine how much you want to save for your emergency fund and set a specific target. Having a clear goal will help motivate you and track your progress.

    Setting a specific savings goal is crucial when building an emergency fund on a tight budget.  Having a specific savings goal provides clarity and motivation, making it easier to stay focused and committed to saving.

    • For example, you might set a goal to save $1,000 within six months. This gives you a clear target to work towards and allows you to break down your savings goal into smaller, manageable monthly contributions. By having a specific savings goal, you can track your progress, celebrate milestones, and adjust your budget accordingly to ensure you’re on track to reach your target.


    3. Increase Your Income 

    Look for opportunities to boost your income. Take on a part-time job, freelancing gigs, or side hustles to generate additional funds that can be dedicated to your emergency fund.

    There are many ways to increase your income, but if you are working a full time job, it may be difficult to secure certain jobs. The best way would be to turn your skills into a earning venture. Or better yet, look for skills to learn that can turn into a business you can operate after your main job. 

    • For example, explore freelancing or gig economy opportunities, such as offering your services as a freelance writer, graphic designer, or virtual assistant. These flexible options allow you to work on your own terms and earn additional income in your spare time.
    • Additionally, you can consider monetizing your hobbies or talents, such as selling handmade crafts or offering tutoring services. By increasing your income, you can allocate more funds towards your emergency fund while still managing your regular expenses.

    Remember to set specific goals for your additional income and allocate a portion directly to your savings to ensure consistent progress towards building your emergency fund. 


    4. Sell Unused Items

    Declutter your home and sell items you no longer need or use. Online platforms, garage sales, or consignment stores can help you turn your unused belongings into cash to contribute to your emergency fund.

    • These could include clothes, electronics, furniture, appliances, or even collectibles. Platforms such as online marketplaces, eBay  Amazon, Etsy, Letgo, or local classifieds provide convenient avenues to sell your items to interested buyers.
    • You can also consider hosting a garage sale or participating in community flea markets to reach a wider audience. By decluttering your living space and selling these unused items, you not only generate immediate cash but also create a more organized and minimalist environment.

    Remember to price your items competitively, provide clear and accurate descriptions, and consider negotiating with potential buyers to maximize your earnings.


    5. Automate Your Savings

    Set up an automatic transfer from your checking account to your emergency fund. This ensures that a portion of your income is consistently allocated to your emergency fund, making it easier to save consistently.

    • Let’s say you decide to save $200 per month towards your emergency fund. You can contact your bank or use their online banking platform to set up an automatic transfer of $200 from your checking account to your designated emergency fund savings account on a specific date each month. This way, the transfer will occur automatically, ensuring that your savings are consistently growing


    6. Lower Your Expenses 

    Temporarily reduce or eliminate certain expenses to free up more money for your emergency fund. Cut back on dining out, entertainment, cable subscriptions, or any other non-essential expenses that you can live without temporarily.

    • Trim your discretionary spending: Look for ways to cut back on non-essential expenses such as eating out, entertainment, or shopping. For instance, you could limit dining out to special occasions, find free or low-cost entertainment options like community events or outdoor activities, and prioritize your needs over wants when making purchasing decisions.

    By actively lowering your expenses, you’ll have more money available to allocate towards your emergency fund. Every dollar saved can make a significant impact on your savings journey, allowing you to build your emergency fund faster and be better prepared for unexpected financial challenges.


    7. Redirect Windfalls or Bonuses

    If you receive unexpected income allocate a portion or all of it toward your emergency fund rather than immediately spending it. Below are some of windfalls. 

    • Tax refunds: If you receive a tax refund, consider allocating a portion or the entire amount towards your emergency fund. Rather than using it for discretionary spending or luxury purchases, treat it as an opportunity to bolster your financial safety net.
    • Work bonuses: If you receive a year-end or performance-based bonus from your job, resist the temptation to spend it all at once. Determine a percentage or fixed amount that you can allocate directly to your emergency fund. Even a portion of your bonus can make a significant impact on your savings goal.
    • Unexpected cash gifts: Sometimes, you may receive unexpected cash gifts from family or friends on special occasions. While it may be tempting to treat yourself with these funds, consider diverting a portion towards your emergency savings instead.
    • Windfalls or inheritance: If you come into a larger sum of money through an inheritance, lottery winnings, or other windfalls, it’s prudent to set aside a significant portion to bolster your emergency fund. While it can be tempting to use the money for immediate wants or desires, prioritizing your long-term financial security is crucial.

    These unexpected sources of income can provide a valuable boost to your financial resilience, ensuring you have a solid safety net in place for unforeseen circumstances.


    8. Create a Separate Savings Account 

    Open a dedicated savings account specifically for your emergency fund. Having a separate account will help you track your progress and prevent the funds from being used for other purposes. Some examples to do this would be to: 

    • Open a high-yield savings account: Look for a savings account with competitive interest rates and minimal fees. Many online banks offer high-yield savings accounts that can help your emergency fund grow faster through compounding interest.
    • Set up automatic transfers: Once you have your dedicated emergency fund savings account, set up automatic transfers from your primary checking account. Determine a specific amount or percentage of your income that you can comfortably contribute to your emergency fund each month. By automating the process, you ensure consistent savings without relying on manual efforts.
    • Name your account: Consider giving your emergency fund savings account a distinct name, such as “Emergency Fund” or “Financial Safety Net.” This simple step can help reinforce its purpose and remind you of its importance whenever you view your account.
    • Avoid dipping into the account: Discipline yourself to only use the funds in your emergency savings account for true emergencies. It’s essential to have a clear understanding of what constitutes an emergency and resist the urge to withdraw money for non-essential expenses.


    9. Resist Lifestyle Inflation 

    Resisting lifestyle inflation is a crucial step in building an emergency fund quickly. Lifestyle inflation refers to increasing your expenses as your income grows, which can hinder your savings efforts.

    • Maintain your current lifestyle: This can be a tricky part when it comes to applying financial discipline when you have expenses that are not correctly defined as necessity or wants.   As your income increases, it’s tempting to upgrade your lifestyle by purchasing more expensive items or indulging in luxury experiences. However, it’s essential to resist the urge to inflate your expenses and instead maintain your current lifestyle.


    10. Temporary Lifestyle Adjustments 

    Consider making temporary adjustments to your lifestyle to save money quickly. This might involve downsizing your living arrangements, temporarily living with roommates or family members, or finding ways to reduce your monthly bills.

    For example: One of the easiest way is actually one of the hardest way. You need to quickly adjust your lifestyle in order to get to the desired emergency fund. Some of the aggressive temporary lifestyle adjustments include,  

    • quickly cut down on groceries
    • taking your lunch instead than buying lunch or dinners, or
    • it may be taking public transportation instead of paying that high fuel bill. 

    The main idea is to aggressively focus on building that emergency fund as soon as possible and many times it means making aggressively choices.


    11. Turn Assets Into Income

    Explore alternative sources of income, by using your current assets and turn into a business by generating income. Turning your assets into income may include:

    • Car Advertise Income: you can use your car for advertisements and getting a paycheck for it month. Companies like Wrapify, Carvertise, and Nickelytics will pay you each month during a campaign for adding a decal, sticker, or wrap to your car that promotes a product or service.
    • Car Leasing: Turo is a peer-to-peer car rental platform that allows you to list your car for rent to other users. You can set your own rental price and availability, and Turo provides insurance coverage for the duration of the rental. By renting out your car when you’re not using it, you can earn extra income and make the most of your vehicle’s idle time. However, it’s important to carefully review the terms and conditions of the platform and consider any potential risks or requirements before listing your car.
    • Home Rental: You can easily turn some of the rooms in your home into generating income. Airbnb is one of the most used website that you can easily turn a room into a business. 


    12. Negotiate Bills 

    Contact your service providers (e.g., cable, internet, insurance) and negotiate better rates or switch to cheaper alternatives. Lowering your monthly bills can free up money to contribute to your emergency fund.

    • Take the time to review your monthly expenses and identify areas where you can negotiate for better rates, discounts or save on utilities. This can include bills such as utilities, cable or internet services, insurance premiums, and even subscription fees. Contact the service providers directly and inquire about any available promotions, loyalty discounts, or lower-priced plans. Sometimes, simply expressing your willingness to switch to a competitor can prompt them to offer you a better deal. 


    13. Temporarily Pause Retirement Contributions 

    Consider temporarily pausing or reducing your retirement contributions to divert that money into your emergency fund. This should only be done for a short period, and you should resume retirement contributions as soon as possible.

    • Temporarily pausing retirement contributions can be a strategic move to build an emergency fund quickly. While it’s important to prioritize long-term savings for retirement, redirecting those funds towards your emergency fund during times of financial need can provide a safety net
    • By temporarily suspending or reducing retirement contributions, you can free up more money to allocate towards building your emergency fund. Keep in mind that this should only be a short-term strategy and you should resume contributions as soon as you’re able to.
    • For example, if you currently contribute a fixed percentage of your income to a retirement account, you can temporarily lower that percentage or pause contributions altogether until your emergency fund is adequately funded. However, it’s essential to consult with a financial advisor or consider the potential impact on your long-term retirement goals before making this decision. 


    14. Set Clear Goals 

    One of the best methods save money is to clearly set your goals. They should be well defined and well tracked, especially when it comes to money. The better the money goals are, the better you are able to reach the goal. Some of the goals may force you to use different money management methods that you are not familiar or at the least comfortable with, but stay focused on the goal. The sooner you start, the faster or earlier you will reach the goal.


    15. Side Hustle

    This type of side hustle is about turning a side hustle into a full business. You are replacing your income and not just focusing on a couple extra hundred dollars. This is a well known money mentality in the personal finance field. You need more money. You need more money than your 9to5. One of the best way to start leaving 9to5 is to start a side hustle that actually brings in income. You have to set a budget, business plan and put in the effort. Running a successful side hustle means running a business. The amount of commitment put in a side hustle sometimes requires more of you than the 9to5.  Research, set goals, set a business plan and work like no other.  


    16. Implement New Budgeting Method

    As stated earlier, set a budget, that is all great, but in this scenario you may have to try different types of budgeting to get you to where you want to financially. For instance, the is snowball budgeting, the avalanche debt repayment. Read more for additional effective budgeting methods  The best method is to identify what financial goal you have, for instance debt repayment budget is different from a targeted investment portfolio. 


    17. Reduce Fixed Cost 

    This is probably earth shattering because it means you may have to become uncomfortable in order to reach the financial goal you have in mind. For instance, that expensive apartment, maybe taking most of your budget and that means sharing, finding a cheaper place or taking an extra job. In the long run, the main purpose of reducing your fixed costs, is to truly shift your finance into a more positive path. Reducing your fixed costs, means the results should be finding a way that will complete shift your financial landscape. For instance, downsizing in order to complete shift your finances.


    18. Invest Wisely

    This is different from the temporarily stop contributions. This is you investigating your financial plan and accessing exactly which is the most profitable for you. One of the best method is to once again, access exactly what you want financial, how long will it take you to that goal, what resources do you need to achieve that and most importantly what you have to change or add into your budgeting routine. It all starts with what your goal is. 


    19. No Credit Card Usage

    As much as we love our credit cards, the debt tends to grow in most cases out of control. If you do not have a credit card usage plan, YOU SHOULD NOT USE CREDIT CARD. There has to be a plan why you are using credit cards, is it for building credit, getting more unsecured credit card or getting a cashbacks. The best method is to truly understand how credit works and make it work to your favor. Those that understand how to use debt wisely can easily create a great financial success from it. The best credit card usage is understanding beyond credit card score but the anatomy of how the lending and credit card companies view and loan money.


    20. Educate Yourself

    This is probably one of the most important aspect of any journey in life or goal. When it comes to financial literacy its beyond earning more income and debt repayment but it about the full wheelhouse of how finances impact your life. This can include estate planning, insurance, taxation, investment to generational wealth building. The best method or approach is to take each section and understand the basic principles of how you may protect you and your family. 




    While it may seem challenging to build an emergency fund quickly, implementing these strategies can help you accelerate the process. By assessing your budget, increasing your income, reducing expenses, automating savings, redirecting windfalls, and making temporary lifestyle adjustments, you can make significant progress in building your emergency fund faster than you might have thought possible.

    Remember, consistency and discipline are key. Even small contributions and savings add up over time. With dedication and a clear goal in mind, you can create a solid financial safety net to protect yourself from unexpected expenses and emergencies. So, start implementing these strategies today and take control of your financial future.


    Cheering To Your Success
    Brenda |
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    5 Gas Rewards Cards That Save Money

    These 5 Gas Rewards Cards Save Money, especially with these high gas prices.

    Making the cost of filling up our vehicles a significant portion of our monthly budgets. However, savvy consumers have found a way to turn this essential cost into an opportunity for savings through gas rewards credit cards.

    These financial tools are designed to help you earn cash back or rewards on your fuel purchases, ultimately reducing the overall impact of high gas prices on your wallet.

    The best part about these cards they have a rewards program with a wide variety of companies participating.

    Gas cards have been around for a while, but they are still popular among drivers. The gas card reward system is designed to make it easier for drivers to save money on gas. Gas points are the rewards that one earns for using their gas card at the pump and for making purchases at the station.  Examine which gas card works for you, as stated above, they have a wide range of participating companies, calculate how much accumulated rewards program will translate into gas savings. In this guide, we’ll explore five gas rewards credit cards that stand out for their potential to put money back in your pocket every time you refuel. Whether you’re a daily commuter or an occasional road tripper, these cards offer valuable rewards and benefits that can help you keep more of your hard-earned money while enjoying the convenience of a credit card. So, let’s dive into the world of gas rewards credit cards and discover how they can make your fuel expenses a little lighter on your budget.


    How Gas Rewards Program Work

    A gas rewards card is a type of credit card that gives you points or cash back for every dollar you spend on gas. You can use the points or cash back to buy more gas, get gift cards, or donate to charity. The average gas rewards program works by letting you earn points for every dollar spent on gas and then redeeming those points for discounts at the pump. As gas prices continue to fluctuate and climb, so does the pressure for drivers to find the cheapest gas and this post highlights the different ways to do so.


    Gas Buddy


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    Gas Buddy is one of the most popular apps that drivers tend to use in hopes to find cheap gas. The app has relies on it community to share and report where the cheap gas is. The app works by entering your location and then shows the cheapest gas prices around you. In addition to saving money on gas, customers can accrue points by making purchase with Gas Buddy  which converts to points and can be used to purchase fuel.  The app has various tools that aim to save more money for customers

    Some of the GasBuddy Features

    • No credit checks and easy sign up
    • Saves 5x as in comparison to other gas rewards cards
    • Fill-ups are effortlessly deducted from your linked debit card
    • Gas Price Map – allows you to search real time fuel gas stations with cheap prices
    • Outrage Tracker – shows which gas station have fuel and power during a disaster
    • Vehicle Recalls – helps you find out if your vehicle is being recalled and the next steps
    • Trip Cost Calculator – which helps in planning your road trip and off course, with cheap gas along the way


    Gas Guru


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    Gas Guru is an app that also aims to search for the cheapest gas for its consumers, whereby the customer has an option of to filter the search results by either price, fuel grade and or distance. The information is not sourced from the community as GasBuddy, but it is sourced from Oil Price Information Service, which is a fuel pricing service firm.


    • APP Rating: it has a 3.1 rating in the Apple Store
    • Source: it is owned and operated by Yellow Pages
    • Type of Gas: shows different prices for different fuel grades


    BP  Rewards


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    BP Rewards Visa card, can be used at any BP Gas Station. The rewards card currently provides a 15%  per gallon fuel discount at BP stations and earn rewards on all other purchases. You can use the BP Rewards to for other purchases which then add to your rewards.


    • 3% Cash Back on grocery purchases
    • 3% Cash Back on dining purchases
    • 1% Cash Back on all other qualifying purchases
    • 5% Cash Back on your non-fuel BP and Amoco purchases


    Shell Rewards


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    Shell Gas Reward Card is geared to save their customers on fuel with at least $0.10 per gallon and up to 35 gallon. The savings are applied instantly at the pumps at participating Shell locations. There are two different cards that one can apply for, the first card is through Shell itself and the second one is through Citibank.


    • Shell Card: saves $0.10 at participating Shell Gas Stations
    • Shell Card: 10% Shell Rebates on your first $1,200 non-fuel purchases per year
    • Citi Bank Shell Card: the above options with 2% on your first $10,000 Dining and Grocery purchases per year


    Exxon Mobil


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    Exxon Mobil, is a well known gas station and is available in most states. With the high gas prices the
    Exxon Mobil Rewards Card aims to save money for its clients. The process is simple to sign up as you can easily create a free Exxon account. You can see how much points you have earned through Exxon Mobil website


    • Exxon Mobil Rewards+ app you can easily earn, track and redeem points
    • More Rewards: 2¢/dollar in points at the store with your Exxon Mobil
    • Gas Savings: Earn at least 3¢/gal in points at the fuel pump, a 100 points = $1 in savings



    With the high fuel prices, it seems choosing a gas rewards cards, may be a better money saving tip. Everyday the gas prices are soaring much higher and there seems to be no sign of slowing down. The best approach is to find a gas rewards card that actually helps you in saving money, and not deter you from that and sometimes, planning ahead of time can help the pockets.


    Cheering To Your Success
    Brenda |
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    10 Apps that Save Money on Groceries

    These Apps Will Save Money on Groceries, as prices are getting higher, honestly out of control.

    These Money Save Apps, will find a better deal, reduce your bill and help you with cheap meal prepping recipes. It a well known fact that food prices have gone up, and in some cases they have more than doubled.

    In today’s fast-paced digital age, technology is not just a tool for convenience; it’s a valuable asset in saving money. Nowhere is this more evident than in our grocery shopping habits. With the proliferation of smartphones, a plethora of apps have emerged to help consumers trim their grocery bills, from digital coupons and price comparison tools to cashback offers and personalized shopping lists. The old budgeted amount towards groceries, does not make a dent in this current markets. With that in mind this post lists 30 Ways to Save on Groceries, hopefully will give some tips on how to reduce that food bill. While this post below will list a variation of different apps that will help you in meal prepping, recipe ideas, time saving and most importantly will save you some money.


    Top Grocery Apps That Save Money

    The most important thing when it comes to grocery shopping is planning ahead. You should always have a list, so you know what you need before you go in the store. You should also try to double up on items that are on sale to maximize your savings. Apps can be extremely helpful for saving money at the grocery store because they offer coupons, deals, and even help make your grocery list for you! Below are our favorite money saving apps.




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    Mealime is great for meal planning and by doing, it helps you save money. The best part about this innovative app, is that you can plan weeks of meals in just a few minutes and can choose recipes to fit over 200 different dietary needs or restrictions. The worsts obstacle to meal prepping is what to cook, if this is done before had, it makes the whole process of going much easier. Another favorite option of this


    • Recipes: you can upload other recipes and it generates a shopping list for you
    • Variety: it generates variety of recipes and makes dinners more interesting
    • Upload: you can also change an ingredient to a recipe you do not like, and it then updates the recipe with your selection




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    Ibotta is a rebate app that allows you to get money back on purchases from stores like Walmart, Target, and more.

    Ibotta is a rebate app that has been around for a few years now. This app allows you to get money back on purchases from stores like Walmart, Target, and more. The way it works is by using the Ibotta shopping list which has items that are discounted in-store. When you go to the store and purchase these items, you scan them with Ibotta and earn cash back.


    • Brands: offers cashback to a  wide range of leading companies in different categories
    • Receipt Submission: you get cashback, when you submit receipts from what you have shopped
    • Loyalty Points: When you use your linked loyalty accounts at checkout, your purchases will be linked to qualifying offers on your list





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    Flipp is one favored app by avid savers, and the company stands by its bold stance of how effectively they save their consumers considerable amounts when it comes to grocery shopping.  One of the best attributes of Flipp is it has over 2000 retailers and counting that participate in the program, they constantly update their coupons. The app lets you browse thousands of digital flyers from more than 2,000 retailers to find weekly deals to build your grocery list with.


    • Mobile Coupons: they have a wide selection of coupons for online shopping
    • Trending Deals: they have weekly trending coupons that save the most money
    • Best Deals: with over 2,000 retailers and a wide range of categories, it easier to shop for the best price



    Fetch Rewards


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    Fetch Rewards  allows you to collect points at grocery stores and turn them into cash. Fetch Rewards makes it easy for their customers to earn reward points by purchasing groceries at their local grocery store and then scan their receipts in order to gain points. This app is a great way to save money on groceries, as well as get other useful rewards like Amazon gift cards, travel vouchers, and more.


    • Products: they have a wide range of products that quality for earning points
    • Categories: unlike other companies, they have wide range of categories you can earn points from
    • Options: they have multiple ways to earn points such as, referring friends and submitting receipts





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    Coupons this website and its app is one of the best way to find coupons. The website has numerous coupons in many different categories. You are able to save your coupons on either the app or the website. They frequently update the website with more coupons and usually highlight the ones that save the most money.  The website functions into three different sections such cashback offers, digital coupons and printable. You can either apply your coupons digitally or you can print them for easier use.


    • Brands: They have leading brands from different categories
    • Digital Coupons: you do not need to clip the coupons, it can be applied digitally
    • Related Products: when you select a coupon, you are able to search for coupons for related product


    Coupon Sherpa


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    Coupon Sherpa this app lets you upload your grocery list and it will search for coupons for the items you need. It also has a store locator so it’s easy to find the best deals near you. This app truly makes meal prepping much easier, because all you have to do is to upload your list, make adjustments to the list if needed before you even leave your home. Impulse buying is usually the main reason, why the grocery bill tends to explode at checkouts. With these app, you know what the prices and and even better you can find the best saving deals.


    • Brands: has popular grocery stores participating in the program
    • Coupons: great for the shopper that is on the go and finding the best deals
    • Efficient: easy to use coupons by scanning at the register from your smartphone




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    Instacart is a service that delivers groceries in just a few hours. The company has been around since 2012 and it is one of the most popular grocery delivery services. Instacart has become the go to company for easy shopping and its delivery services. The best approach to save money on this app is to shop around, since there are numerous retailers on the app. Create a shopping list, and add your items to  your cart. Leave your shopping items in the cart and see which grocery store reduce the most price during the week. This little tip has saved so much money, because grocery stores stock up during the weekdays and that is when most products and produce are on sale.


    • Brands: there are many brands on the app, which makes it easier to shop
    • Deals: the deals are directly applied to your card, which makes it easier to save money
    • Delivery: you can choose a delivery window, which makes it easier to plan your day and there is chat option, where you can communicate with your shopper.




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    Costco is a one of the biggest retailer that is known by their beloved customers who love bulk shopping and cheap prices. There is so much savings that one can get when shopping at Costco. The most important aspect into great savings, is to know how to shop at Costco and receive these savings. Having a Costco membership has so many advantages, but the top favored ones includes discounted gas prices, restaurants, and as well as savings from other companies that they have a partnership with


    • Save on Gas: 4 % on eligible gas for the first year
    • Save on Costco Shopping: 2% on other purchase from Costco
    • Save on Restaurants: 3% on all eligible restaurants and eligible travel



    Grocery shopping can be a time-consuming task, especially when you are on a budget. But with the right app, you can save money and time.

    Some grocery shopping apps help customers find coupons for the items they want to purchase. Others let you shop at stores that offer cheap groceries without having to go out of your way. There are also apps that allow you to use your phone as a barcode scanner, which is perfect for those who don’t have time to compare prices at different stores.

    Cheering To Your Success
    Brenda |
    Let’s Connect on Social Media! | Pinterest

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    9 Apps to Save Money While Shopping

     This article has some of the Best Apps to Save Money While Shopping that will help you reduce your bill, save you the most money and searches for the best coupons.

    There’s an app for just about everything, including saving money while you shop. Whether you’re strolling through a local store or making online purchases, these apps can help you keep more of your hard-earned cash.

    There are many ways to save money while shopping online. One way is to save money is to use discount codes or promo codes and another way is to use cashback the Apps.

    These apps can easily be downloaded from App Store and Google Play or downloaded from a Google extension. In this economy where inflation and recession is growing, there is no greater moment of trying to save as much as possible and these apps below work hard for you.

    From finding the best deals and discounts to earning cashback and rewards, this guide explores nine outstanding apps that can transform your shopping experience into a financially savvy one. No matter if you’re an avid bargain hunter or simply looking for a more budget-conscious way to shop, these apps offer a diverse range of features and benefits to help you achieve your financial goals while enjoying your favorite products and brands. So, let’s embark on this digital shopping journey and discover the apps that can revolutionize the way you shop and save money. 


    1. Best Shopping Apps That Save Money

    Online shopping has become a popular way to make purchases without having to leave the house.

    However, sometimes shopping can come at a cost, such as the price of shipping and the hidden fees that mysteriously show up during checkout. Luckily, there are a few apps that can help you save money, by searching for the best deals and coupons that actually reduce the bill.

    Some of these apps will let you know when there is a sale going on for a certain item that you have been looking at, or it will tell you where to find the best deals for that item. Some of them even predict what items will be on sale in the future, so you can plan ahead and buy them at their lowest price point.

    The best way to use these apps is to first analyze your budget, then meal prep ideas, after that then look at the apps to see which app serves your budget in terms of lowest prices. Another method, is to combine the apps for maximum savings or better yet track when each app has it discounted prices.


    2. Top Grocery Apps

    There is no hiding that the current food prices have significantly increased, and  coming up with grocery strategies to try and combat these prices is the next best thing. These are apps have managed to save money for different types of grocery needs from infants to adults. Below are some of the best ways to use the apps in order to get the most savings..



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    Coupons this website and its app is one of the best way to find coupons. The website has numerous coupons in many different categories. You are able to save your coupons on either the app or the website. They frequently update the website with more coupons and usually highlight the ones that save the most money.  The website functions into three different sections such cashback offers, digital coupons and printable. You can either apply your coupons digitally or you can print them for easier use.


    • Brands: They have leading brands from different categories
    • Digital Coupons: you do not need to clip the coupons, it can be applied digitally
    • Related Products: when you select a coupon, you are able to search for coupons for related product




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    Costco is a one of the biggest retailer that is known by their beloved customers who love bulk shopping and cheap prices. There is so much savings that one can get when shopping at Costco. The most important aspect into great savings, is to know how to shop at Costco and receive these savings. Having a Costco membership has so many advantages, but the top favored ones includes discounted gas prices, restaurants, and as well as savings from other companies that they have a partnership with


    • Save on Gas: 4 % on eligible gas for the first year
    • Save on Costco Shopping: 2% on other purchase from Costco
    • Save on Restaurants: 3% on all eligible restaurants and eligible travel


    3. Top Cashback Apps

    As an avid saver, there is no greater joy to notice that cashback money in your account. The best part of cash back is not only that you save money, but also you can use to pay the very same bill you incurred. The best way to deal with cash back apps is to determine how best to use that money. This post on Top Budgeting Apps, showcase how you can easily invest your spare change. Below are some of the industry best cashbacks apps.



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    Ibotta is a rebate app that allows you to get money back on purchases from stores like Walmart, Target, and more. Ibotta is a rebate app that has been around for a few years now. This app allows you to get money back on purchases from stores like Walmart, Target, and more. The way it works is by using the Ibotta shopping list which has items that are discounted in-store. When you go to the store and purchase these items, you scan them with Ibotta and earn cash back.


    • Brands: offers cashback to a  wide range of leading companies in different categories
    • Receipt Submission: you get cashback, when you submit receipts from what you have shopped
    • Loyalty Points: When you use your linked loyalty accounts at checkout, your purchases will be linked to qualifying offers on your list




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    Rakuten is a cashback shopping app that helps shoppers get the best deals on their purchases. The company offers a shopping rebate with every purchase made on the app. It’s an easy and convenient way to save money while shopping online.  The more you shop and use the app, the more cashbacks you earn. Once you have accumulated enough money for disbursement, Rakuten will deposit the money into your PayPal account.


    • Brands: has leading companies in different categories
    • PayPal Deposits: easy deposit process which is swift and the process is easy to start
    • Process: Rakuten gets paid a commission for sending customers, and they turnaround give you cashbacks


    4. Best Price Comparison Apps

    This is where most conservative and savvy consumers will find refuge, the below apps are known to compare prices all over the internet in search of the best prices. The apps work in finding the best coupons, sales to in season prices, either way, you can certainly save money.

    Shop Savvy


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    Shop Savvy is an app that compares prices for you. It scans barcodes, searches the internet and tells you where to buy the item for less money so you don’t end up paying too much for your items. This shopping app has different attributes comparing to the the other apps, mainly because it searches the internet for cheaper prices for your desired products  or a comparable product.


    • Brands: have more retailers to choose from
    • Back-in-Stock Alerts: the app alerts you know when an item you want is available again
    • Price Tracking: Shop Savvy continuously tracks prices across thousands of retailers, and shows you all the ups and downs.


    5. Top Overall Savings Apps

    There are so many times you have a item on a wish list and waiting for it to go on sale, but unfortunately, you miss. These apps will track your purchases and then automatically apply coupon codes for you to get the best deals. Some of  these apps will monitor your wish list and notify you when the prices have reduced, while apps like Groupon will showcase the already best discounted price for your desired item.



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    Honey is a an app and has a website, which functions with a chrome extension. This app works as you are currently shopping. While shopping you can click on the honey icon and it then searches if there are any discounted codes to be applied. You can also use the Honey app to reduce the prices on most websites, such as Amazon, Best Buy and  other major retail companies. Honey has over 16 million users and this has only allowed the app to get better saving codes from popular and big brands


    • Brands: has over 30,000 leading companies in different categories
    • Automatic: it has the ability to apply automatic codes and items in your carts
    • Wishlist: if not ready to buy, Honey, will add the discounted coupon on the items




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    Groupon is an app and also has a website which is perfect for those that are looking to save money. Most companies want to attract more customers and as a result, they constantly discount prices. The best way to  get the most out of Groupon is to constantly check for more updated discounted prices. You can search for discounted coupons by location, price and and categories.


    • Location: highlight the most discounted coupons within your area
    • Reviews: the companies have reviews and this allows you to verify the quality of services
    • Selections: has more categories, such as beauty, travel, gifting, fitness, automotive and more


    Capital One Shopping


    Click Here to Learn More

    Capital One Shopping is fairly new to the “saving money while shopping” but it has a wide variety of companies that participate in the program. This not surprising since Capital One acquired Wikibuy a tech start-up used by millions to price-check while shopping on Amazon as well as Paribus which was a creator of the price tracking app. This gives them an advantage of understanding what we the consumers spent our money and what kind of savings we search for.


    • Categories: it has the same categories, as Amazon
    • Brands: has many leading brands participating in the program
    • How it Works: it gets you better offers, then automatically applies the best coupon code at checkout, and lets you know when prices drop on products you’ve viewed and purchased.


    6. Top Rewards Apps

    As stated before, inflation and recession has certainly changed many consumers buying habits, and this app has a found a way around into helping consumers. If you are a natural shopper, this app might be for you, why not save money while shopping.

    Shop Kick


    Click Here to Learn More

     The ShopKick rewards program is one of the most popular loyalty programs for retailers. It rewards customers with points for visiting a store and scanning their mobile device at the store’s entrance. These points can be redeemed for a variety of prizes, such as gift cards and products. Shopkick is the best example of gamification in retail, but it is not without its drawbacks. The app has been criticized by some to be too pushy, with notifications that are too frequent and intrusive.


    • Easy Process: its easy way to get free gift cards at home, in-store, while you on the go
    • Online Shopping:  this also applies to online shopping and the rewards are easily applied
    • Brands: has a lot of leading branding in many categories participating in the rewards program



    This new generation of apps are designed to make online shopping more convenient and cheaper.  The best approach we have found is determine your shopping needs and then find the apps that works for you. Our best combination using multiple apps, such as the coupon app, cashback app, discounted prices as well as the rewards app. Hopefully, this post enables you to save money. Let us know which app saves you the most money and which one you like.

    Cheering To Your Success
    Brenda |
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